Osteoporosis Month
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Vicki has the beginning of Osteopenia, and she’s going to OsteoStrong to stop it.
Vicki’s chiropractor Dr. M recommended OsteoStrong, and she thinks it is excellent.
Having a friend who works at OsteoStrong, Vicki felt comfortable as her session coach guided her through each trigger machine.
“I love OsteoStrong because I don’t like to sweat or spend hours at the gym. I come here once a week, spend 20 minutes doing my sessions, and feel like I’ve got a full-body workout.”
Since Vicki has been at OsteoStrong, she can easily get down under her computer table and back up.
Vicki plans to stick with OsteoStrong she can feel the difference in her body in just the couple of months she’s been doing sessions.
Five to ten years from now, Vicki plans on being able to do anything she wants because of OsteoStrong.
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