OsteoStrong Is A Family Business
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OsteoStrong is a family business that Erin and I are proud to be a part of.
I was in the corporate world for over 20 years.
Erin and I have three awesome kids she spent a lot of her time at home and raising after her career.
We decided to build this [OsteoStrong] business together, and it was exciting to do it together.
We learned a lot about each other.
Erin learned a lot about accountability, making a list, project planning, and getting things done.
She was never familiar with that stuff in the past; however, I was.
We married this mix of my experience with hers to build this OsteoStrong, which has worked out very well.
I think Erin has a knack for drawing in awesome members.
Her approach and disposition are caring, and I can’t say enough good things about her approach to our members.
I think together, and it’s been exciting.
Although it has not been perfect, there have been arguments and things that have occurred.
We have a tremendous amount of respect for each other and what we can do.
OsteoStrong is a family business that is exciting and awesome!
It has strengthened our relationship.
We’ve enjoyed that and getting stronger as a couple as we go.
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