Wolff’s Law Increases Bone Health
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Use Wolff’s Law and increase your bone health with OsteoStrong.
OsteoStrong uses the old science of Wolff’s Law to increase your bone health, proactively benefiting your overall health.
As a session coach for OsteoStrong, the training is very different from any other type of schooling.
OsteoStrong is a new cutting-edge type of technology.
It’s fascinating because it uses an old science called Wolff’s Law.
Wolff’s Law states that the bones and muscles adapt and respond to heavy loading or high-impact force.
These machines here at OsteoStrong emulate that high-impact force with little to no risk.
That was amazing for me, and since I’ve been coming here, I’ve seen so many people improve.
I have learned so much about not only the science aspect but also what it can do to benefit our health.
I am not a science buff, but I have done a lot of research since coming here, and I’ve learned so much about all the science behind OsteoStrong.
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